Why Does Your Enterprise Need React and WordPress Integration Services?

  • BluEnt
  • Website Design + Development
  • 13 Mar 2025
  • 5 minutes
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Speed, Efficiency, and Relevance are the paramount pillars to stay ahead of this digital landscape.

Today, more than 800 million websites are powered by WordPress which accounts for managing more than 40% of websites worldwide.

Nowadays, it is important to keep your platforms updated & retouched using the newest technologies. Not only for the customer’s better experience but also to bring your product & services forward with a higher impact.

Let this blog get you through the role of React and WordPress integration developers in driving the growth force of a business.

Though there are endless options to leverage different technologies & tools, it could be challenging to choose the best ones aligned with your business objectives.

As web application development becomes complex, there is a need to develop simple yet dynamic data interfaces. This is where React-powered WordPress websites come into play.

Developers have significantly enhanced the user experiences, and app performance by taking full benefits of React and WordPress integration services. Today, we will let you know the basic introduction, benefits, and framework supporting accomplishing the best-performing developments.

An Overview of WordPress and React

React, a JavaScript library was developed by Facebook’s programmer, Jordan Walke. It was designed to refine the user interface based on UI components. Also known as React.js or ReactJS, it is an open-source and free JavaScript-based library, currently the most popular.

  • By using React developers easily update & manage codes. Netflix, Walmart, and PayPal utilize such libraries in their coding operations.

  • The best feature about React is the React Virtual DOM (Document Object Model). It powers up its ability to render faster.

  • JavaScript XML or JSX is another popular feature. You can directly insert HTML code into a file using React JSX.

WordPress, on the other hand, is a Content Management system developed by Automattic Inc. in 2003. It was designed to assist anyone with an easy-to-understand and easy-to-use website interface. On average, two out of five websites are based on WordPress website development.

  • WordPress CMS allows intuitive website creation. Popular brands such as Mercedes Benz, Sony, and Coca-Cola are employed by it.

  • Many third-party plugin integrations simplified building WordPress themes with React.

What are React and WordPress Integration Services

Developers combine React’s user interface and WordPress’s content management system for website & app designs. This leverages the potential of both technologies and is referred to as Headless WordPress with React.

WordPress Development with React

Here, React works innovatively by creating a virtual representation of DOM in memory. It calculates the changes made and updates while displaying the content on React powered front ends.

This approach leverages the strengths of both technologies, resulting in a highly performant and scalable web application.

Note: Have an insight into the latest WordPress updates that you wish you knew sooner!

How React and WordPress Integration Gives Edge to Your Business?

Let us learn how the combination of the beautiful plugins of WordPress and the interactive user interface of React reshape your websites and applications.

How React & WordPress Integration Benefits Businesses

Improves Website Rendering

React powered WordPress websites enhance renderings by working on needed components only. Since the page must not be reloaded, conversion rates are also affected. Research shows that a fast-loading website has more than a 40% chance of converting.

Faster DOM with React based WordPress

Virtual DOM (Document Object Model) strides the website’s performance by enhancing its operational efficiency. Unlike traditional DOM, virtual one does not update the entire files to make changes. In fact, takes off the extra loads by only interacting with the part to which the modifications are made.

Do you know

A one-second slower web page loading can account for losing 11% of page views.!!

Effortless Integration with REST APIs

React commonly uses REST APIs to access & fetch data stored on servers. It smoothens the integration of third-party servers to a web page. On the other hand, using React with WordPress REST API further speeds up the headless CMS integration faster than you can say. Likewise, improving flexibility & scalability to manage the content.

Access to a Vast Pool of Plugins

Leveraging React and WordPress integration solutions to your website brings an epic transformation. Firstly, it optimizes the customization by combining powerful features to the interface. Secondly, choosing the React front end for WordPress makes the third-party plugins and theme integration easy for developers.

React Frameworks Support SEO

Building WordPress and React based websites helps you gain ground through SEO optimization. Likewise, by combining React with server-side rendering, a web page regains its ability to effectively crawl, index, and rank. Thus, it contributes to making the websites highly SEO-friendly.


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What are the Popular React Frameworks That Can be Used with WordPress

Combining Headless WordPress with Reach typically suits diverse project requirements. This is because WordPress CMS gains ultimate features when combined with React frameworks.


To improve your SEO and performance, client-side, and server-side rendering, Next.js could be a leading framework. Its ability to static site generation elevates the project performance. It is all possible with its code splitting and automatic server-side rendering abilities.


Frontity is the only React framework that was initially designed for WordPress. Thus, offering the best possible experience when used along development of a Headless WordPress with React.

Since it’s a server-side framework and therefore stores the content in HTML. However, it stands out with the ability to respond immediately with neat & elegant HTML pages. Therefore, by minimizing load time, the SEO penalties are also alleviated.

Create React App (CRA)

Ever planned to build WordPress themes with React without contributing to the coding part? React framework is a lucrative choice for developing quick single-page applications. CRA exceptionally handles all the additional technologies & setup responsibilities for you.

Furthermore, the modern setup installs the latest versions of React. You can manage the development without any access to configuration files. This means it’s a wonderful choice for quick app deployment.


Gatsby is a firm framework that can increase the speed of React-powered WordPress websites. It works as a static site generator, loading only the required JS, CSS, and HTML files without disrupting the rest of the code. Though it might not be suitable for large-sized dynamic projects, its client-side rendering is great for static web pages.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Using React with WordPress REST API is an incredible method to create fast-performing websites. Both platforms are ideal for making modern, sophisticated, and engaging web pages, leading to conversions and organic traffic.

With this, you can create powerful headless WordPress themes and bless the sites with phenomenal performance and flexibility. Combining React with WordPress is the next best thing for WordPress website designing.

Whether you are a developer or a Shining business owner, React and WordPress integration services can be a great game changer for you. So, are you ready to level up your website? Explore today the potential of React with WordPress and create the web magic that your users will love!

BluEnt is a top choice for empowering businesses with the optimal use of technologies. Start your journey today with us. Subscribe for more updates, we will not flood your inboxes.



Your Citation

CAD Evangelist. "Why Does Your Enterprise Need React and WordPress Integration Services?" CAD Evangelist, Mar. 13, 2025, https://www.bluent.net/blog/react-wordpress-integration-services.

CAD Evangelist. (2025, March 13). Why Does Your Enterprise Need React and WordPress Integration Services?. Retrieved from https://www.bluent.net/blog/react-wordpress-integration-services

CAD Evangelist. "Why Does Your Enterprise Need React and WordPress Integration Services?" CAD Evangelist https://www.bluent.net/blog/react-wordpress-integration-services (accessed March 13, 2025 ).

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