4 Ways to Jumpstart your Web and Mobile Platforms

The mobile app development industry is predicted to have a huge economy by the year of 2020. A 101 billion dollar economy, to be precise. It’s a requirement to be a visionary when it comes to business.

Mobile and Web App Platforms slowly have become the ride or die for almost all businesses. In the digital world, you want to have solid mobile and web platforms which is what really re-routes your consumers back to you instead of the competition.

Don’t go all-out on trying to market your products and services, advertising and putting money in promos and sales BEFORE fixing your mobile and web platforms. Here are 4 changes you can make in 2017:


One might be skeptical when we say you need a custom app; for which we have pretty good reasoning This part is the foundation, the core of your mobile app development. Just like a building, if your foundation is weak your mobile app is bound to crash, losing you valuable customers and gaining you a bad reputation. Customized apps have been in the market for a while now but not a lot of businesses have unleashed its true potential. Score for you! You get a head-start!

The major benefits of having a customized app are:

  • A customized app will always give you more flexibility than a packaged app. You get more control, without having to go through a guide of rules and regulations.

  • The benefit of always being able to stand-out. No two customized apps look or work in the same mannerism. The choice is yours, either be exposed to your competition who is always going to try to one-up you, or you want to separate yourself from the herd.


Simply stated, the better your customer service is, the better your clientele feels about you. Let’s face it, everybody has a bad day which causes their anger to burst out unintentionally. This can cause differences between a customer and a worker, but good customer service can always save the day. Companies like Uber have given customers the opportunity to rate their drivers, which makes the driver more attentive towards the customers. Amazon, provides a wide range of facilities to the customer including the option to directly talk to the seller via messaging.

  • Investing in training your employees for better customer service is an integral ingredient which will help your business thrive.

  • Remember, your brand narrative, products, values etc. might all be stellar, but if your customer service isn’t up to the mark, all that hard-work goes to waste. Take up this resolution for both your business and your consumers.

  • Use social media to reach out to your customers almost instantly. Twitter is one such channel that will provide you the flexibility to help and are omnipresent for your customers. JetBlue, Seamless, Comcast are such companies who have excelled using this platform.


Don’t mistake newsletter and online magazines to be a thing of the past, or a waste of time and effort, as some people might suggest. If done right, newsletters have potential to revive itself as the new “IT thing.” The downfall of the newsletter began when they became really monotonous, dull and annoying. Newsletters started receiving resentment since they were forcibly pushed down a subscriber’s throat (e-mails) as if they were push notifications. Another set-back of a newsletter is the fact that they just looked boring, sounded even more boring.

While newsletter might be somewhat not looked up to anymore, there is a genius way to resuscitate it back to life. Newsletters now need to become Online Magazines. It can be a monthly magazine, a quarterly magazine or an annual magazine but it has to have a magazine’s format.

  • Your online magazine should balance between intelligent and fun. Various type of content encourages to keep reading and also shows your business’ grasp on several topics

  • A monthly online magazine is going to provide your consumers an insight to what you have been up to and what they might have missed out on.

  • Don’t limit yourself to creating an Online Magazine on the lines of a traditional magazine. Use the power of digital media. Give your viewers more by using different mediums like videos, illustrations, animations etc.

  • Engage your customers by using polls, interesting topics, open ended questions etc. If done right, your online magazine can be your biggest source of pulling a crowd in, which can overtime earn your brand loyalty too. Contact us, so that we can create for you and your users a visual and informative treat to ogle at.


Immersive Content is needed by a smart business to make a mark in the industry. The more engrossing and stimulating your content, the better chances of consumers coming back for it again. Regular channels of distribution and the same old ways to form and propose content can get fizz out really fast. When that happens, your consumers slowly start to look away from your business. 2017 is the year for Immersive Content and you definitely want in on it.

  • Keep your consumers engaged by talking about the new advancements in your field of business. This will ultimately make you a source they look up to for gaining information.

  • Immersive Content is a great way for you to create brand awareness.

  • Look at various channels for distribution of your content. From Social Media to SEO’s to E-mails. This will help you gain more audiences.

  • Remember to make sure that your content is accessible on all the major platforms, like mobile and web without lagging. Lagging causes consumers to get irritated.

  • You also want your content to be related to your business. It can be direct or indirect. But always make sure to establish the connection between your content and your products and services.

  • Since immersive content gives you the flexibility to sound story-like, make the best use out of it and lighten up. Give that rope your consumers can hold and connect with. You want your content to be out-of-the box and fresh.

  • Be sure to send out a reminder to your consumers about the new content posted. Half of small business are projected to have their own mobile app by 2017, which means there are more and more people you have to cater to. Sometimes, a little help is all you need to boost up your business. And when is a time better than the New Year? If you are interested in knowing more secrets about what you can do to truly make 2017 your year, contact us and watch your business expand and unravel its true potential.

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Your Citation

CAD Evangelist. "4 Ways to Jumpstart your Web and Mobile Platforms" CAD Evangelist, Jan. 24, 2017, https://www.bluent.net/blog/4-ways-to-jumpstart-your-web-and-mobile-platforms.

CAD Evangelist. (2017, January 24). 4 Ways to Jumpstart your Web and Mobile Platforms. Retrieved from https://www.bluent.net/blog/4-ways-to-jumpstart-your-web-and-mobile-platforms

CAD Evangelist. "4 Ways to Jumpstart your Web and Mobile Platforms" CAD Evangelist https://www.bluent.net/blog/4-ways-to-jumpstart-your-web-and-mobile-platforms (accessed January 24, 2017 ).

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