The significance of automated attendance applications for the corporates: A comparative analysis of time spent in office versus desktop

  • BluEnt
  • Software + Product Development
  • 07 Dec 2017
  • 3 minutes
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The time and attendance software is a business application that has been intelligently designed with diverse tools to track and optimize the hours that the entire workforce spends on the job or more specifically on their desktop. This system helps in keeping an accurate record of salaries that should be paid to the employee vs. the pre-defined salary for every month. In the recent months, we have noticed organizations of all sizes, increasingly turning to this management system for maximizing cash flow and minimizing waste.

The use of automated time management system in corporate firms has had a great influence on production and profitability. The employees are the biggest asset and the largest expense of any organization. Keeping accurate attendance thus creates a huge difference in the regular operations of businesses. The current attendance management software used in different types of organizations help in substantially improving both efficiency and productivity.

It is not of any help if the software only tracks the time when the employees get into the office and hours they spend on the premises or the ‘business environment‘. What makes a bigger difference is to understand the amount of time they actually spend on their duties and targets. This is where the automated time management system is most influential. As it calculates the number of hours that the employee was at his desk versus the number of hours he actually spent completing the assigned tasks. These are just a couple of benefits highlighted above, however, the attendance software offers many more valuable benefits.

BluEnt has listed out 4 top advantages of using an automated time management system.

  • The accuracy is undefeated: There was a time when the workforce had to manually report and record their time off work. This led to innumerable issues, as the firms were completely dependent on the employee’s records which were at times not only inaccurate but even misleading as well. This is where the automated attendance system has created a huge shift. With its high levels of accuracy and reliability, the organizations get specific data on the workforce’s exact and actual ‘working’ hours. While the employees don’t get a chance to meddle with the electronic records, the seniors at the organizations get clearer insights into the actual and precise labor costs.

  • A thorough and improved data collection system for regulatory compliance: To keep a tab on the productivity and efficiency of the workforce one needs to be sure that all the employees are diligent and committed to their jobs. The data that gets collected through the automated attendance systems are most valuable in this regard. It gives enough and more ‘precise’ information about each and every employee to understand the actual number of hours he or she worked on a project to the number of leaves taken and along with the net payment.

  • Cost savings becomes an ongoing trend: The expenditure on the software is quite reasonable and at the same time hugely valuable when we look at the benefits procured by it. As perceived and analyzed by BluEnt that the returns of this investment are unbeatable and very crucial. There are minimum ‘human’ errors. When one knows the actual amount of hours being spent ‘working’, it has a great positive impact on both time and cost savings and it becomes an ongoing trend.

  • Consistency is maintained with the integration of this software with other applications: When you have to manage a workforce that you can’t really count on your fingers, the integration of different software saves the day. With the amalgamation of the attendance system with the HR. the software gives you a more intelligent solution when it comes to managing the entire workforce. The sharing of the data collected by one application with others ensures a high level of consistency across multiple departments. There are fewer errors and more cost savings.

If you need to know the right software that will provide a complete package to manage your entire workforce connect with BluEnt. Our software developers and professionals can help you eliminate duplication and errors. They can assist you in integrating and understanding the most powerful and right tool for the time tracking system to collect accurate data which will produce the most valuable benefits for you.

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Your Citation

CAD Evangelist. "The significance of automated attendance applications for the corporates: A comparative analysis of time spent in office versus desktop" CAD Evangelist, Dec. 07, 2017,

CAD Evangelist. (2017, December 07). The significance of automated attendance applications for the corporates: A comparative analysis of time spent in office versus desktop. Retrieved from

CAD Evangelist. "The significance of automated attendance applications for the corporates: A comparative analysis of time spent in office versus desktop" CAD Evangelist (accessed December 07, 2017 ).

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