4 Major Things The Digital Product Agency Should Be Doing For You

Providing a stellar customer experience to your clients is the end goal of every business. ‘Experience’ however, is a relative term which differs from person to person; for us, it is to offer you maximum help sans any hype or hoopla. Design-campaign-platform-digitalization— this has become a digital product agency’s foundational set of services.

So let’s unpack these services a bit from BluEnt’s perspective.

1. Digital Advertising: Let’s face it, with time, the nature of the ad industry has changed substantially as well. Static is the word that is looked down upon. Dynamic is what is looked up to. You want to be associated with a company that knows the difference between the two. While a part of digital advertising does include running an ad on various social media channels, that is not the end all be all of the digital advertising, contrary to popular belief. There are a number of constituents that coalesce to form the branch of the marketing media, digital advertising. Let’s take a look at some key elements covered within the broad spectrum of Digital Advertising:

  • Brand and product strategy

  • Search engine optimization

  • App Marketing

  • Content Creation/Development

More so, as interesting as your digital campaign might be, the digital marketing analytics of the campaign (yes, the boring stuff) is just as significant.

The sole purpose of marketing analytics in the digital world is to Measure, Manage and Analyze the qualitative and quantitative data from your business to continuously evolve the online experience for your already present and/or your potential clients. We here, at BluEnt, are both, creative heads who are determined to find a unique way to digitally express yourself combined with our nerdy personalities who will devour some seriously mean data chops to constantly curate content and develop your business, with your brand narrative as the core. To know more and get talking, consult our digital marketing specialists.

2. Collecting Data to Deducing Actionable Insights: Data volumes have expanded the way a balloon being filled with Helium expands. According to this study, more data has been created in the past two years than in the entire previous history of the human race! Everything on the earth is made up by atoms, and everything on the internet is made up by data. This little flow chart will make you understand the process of how Data gets transformed into Insights a little better:

There are three steps which churns massive amounts of Data to meaningful insights

  • DATA COLLECTION: This is the important part. First off, you have to see what all is being provided to you in the form of data. There can be different ways of collecting data, by monitoring your demographics, by letting your customers answer quizzes, etc. Without data, you have nothing. Data is the many pieces of a big jigsaw puzzle. It might be impossible to fathom that it has the potential to turn into a beautiful picture.

  • ANALYTICS: This is a step closer to finding an insight. The basic function of an analytics team is to find out the patterns found out from the data they received and link them up to form a chain which will further on create the insight. The speed and relevancy of the patterns picked up by an analytics team is what separates the good analytics team from an underperforming one. Analytics is the process of putting together the jigsaw pieces by seeing where they fit according to their shape and the patterns printed on them.

  • INSIGHTS: This is the light bulb moment. When the analytics found from the data continue to evolve into something bigger than just being a pattern found, it becomes insight. Regular and astute insights are what keeps the arrow of your company’s growth to soar upwards, rather than it being just stagnant. This is the picture that the jigsaw puzzle reveals to be after the pieces are carefully put together where they fit.

Now surely, this might be too much of technical information to register and implement on your own. Also, it might take up the precious time that you could use for building a stronger foundation for your business. BluEnt will be happy to take up the responsibility to take this load off of you and churn out regular and meaningful insights for your company and help you with your growth.

3. App creation and Development: As a digital product agency, one of the mantras which drive our workforce is— “to do all things branding on the Web.” That is what really makes us divergent from the pack. We do not just leave you with a quirky app but are committed to brand and promote it religiously. Think coding; think testing; think copywriting; think visuals; think graphics; think personal branding – we cover it all.

Customization is key. We here at BluEnt are constantly bursting with ideas and ways to give your business and unique and creative approach. Your customized app is developed by using the best and most efficient technologies and is tested on various domains, be it cloud or hybrid to make sure there are no lose ends. Trust us on that, we have been doing it since 2003.

4. Software and Product Development: Lastly, but most importantly comes the Software and Product Development function. A good and reputed digital product company uses the best digital product design, great construction, testing, debugging, deployment and maintenance. There are many digital product companies who might be charging you for both, the Software and Product Development aspect of the business and the Application Development aspect of the business but might just be working on one. The two processes though interlocking, weigh different from one another.

Software and Product Development is not an easy process and requires a lot of technical know-how. You ought to have a team of really skilled and passionate people for the process. It can take months of analysis and a thorough follow up plan to execute an effective and assertive software development model. That being said, it is integral to have a customized model which can differentiate you from your competitors. A customized software development model is also a powerful tool to leave a powerful impact on your customer’s minds. Here is an infographic of what a customized software development model looks like over here, at BluEnt:


So, to wrap it all up, these are the 4 Major Functions the digital product company you are associated with or would want to hire should be executing:

If reading this post made you feel some sort of discontent about the digital product agency you are already signed up with, you might want to consider making a switch. We would be more than happy to assist you with anything you need.

Maximum Value. Achieved.



Your Citation

CAD Evangelist. "4 Major Things The Digital Product Agency Should Be Doing For You" CAD Evangelist, Sep. 13, 2016, https://www.bluent.net/blog/things-digital-product-agency-should-be-doing-for-you.

CAD Evangelist. (2016, September 13). 4 Major Things The Digital Product Agency Should Be Doing For You. Retrieved from https://www.bluent.net/blog/things-digital-product-agency-should-be-doing-for-you

CAD Evangelist. "4 Major Things The Digital Product Agency Should Be Doing For You" CAD Evangelist https://www.bluent.net/blog/things-digital-product-agency-should-be-doing-for-you (accessed September 13, 2016 ).

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BluEnt delivers value engineered enterprise grade business solutions for enterprises and individuals as they navigate the ever-changing landscape of success. We harness multi-professional synergies to spur platforms and processes towards increased value with experience, collaboration and efficiency.

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