Top Newsletter Marketing Strategies That Will Get People to Open Your Emails

With the growing age of WhatsApp notifications and Insta stories, many people feel that newsletters have lost its charm. Did you know that 91% of consumers use their emails daily? This explains that you still have your audience waiting for the right kind of content to be delivered. Newsletter marketing strategies have proven to be successful in the email marketing plan.

Most marketers constantly wonder sitting at their workstations about the things like:

  • sale, sale, and sale

  • capture the mere attention of your target audience

  • how to succeed in your marketing plans

  • the also get a nightmare while engaging with the customers and potential leads

A common email marketing solution which can solve all the issues mentioned above is the newsletter marketing. But, is it that simple? We hear about the email newsletters more often in the marketing plans and most of the marketers take it very casually. But if it’s not done right, it might lead your;

To overcome this, we have come up with the list of newsletter marketing strategies which would make people hook to your marketing emails if done right.


  • Do you really need a newsletter marketing? Or, are you just doing this because it’s a market trend?

    You need to know your business goals thoroughly to answer these questions. If newsletter marketing strategies aren’t meant for your business, then you should not indulge your manpower and time in it. This is the most common mistake companies do where they start trying every geeky thing available without a strategy.

    You need to do some research before you indulge in creating your own newsletter marketing plan. Start with the below:

    • Whether or not people subscribe newsletters in your industry.

    • What content type is used in the newsletters (Images, graphics, formal information etc.)

    • Your resources such as a marketing team, budget and time.

    • And so on.

    You also need to examine your business goals as they provide the crystal-clear decision of whether to involve newsletter marketing strategies in your plan or not. For example, some businesses aren’t trying to increase the number of leads as they don’t have enough employees to deliver the work or maybe planning to expand with the existing clientele. Such factors define your marketing actions.

    Every industry is different from one another and so is their digital marketing strategy. If your business aspirations can’t be achieved by the newsletter marketing services, you should better be spending time in analyzing the strategy which suits your business best (a frequent blog publishing or a lead nurturing).

    Newsletter marketing

  • Avoid Randomness in Newsletters

    We often see a single newsletter discussing almost all the aspects of a single business. They clutter all the information about the business without keeping any particular topic in focus. Some marketers even start a thread by sending a press release which is followed by a new product, then they send something completely different after that. You should ideally create a thread with one common agenda of keeping it aligned and easier to follow for the readers.

    The randomness of the newsletter content can be reduced by sticking to one specific area. Newsletters, as the name suggests, should primarily be informative to the reader and eventually focus on converting readers into sales.

  • Be More Informative than Promotional

    We are already tired of those promotional emails which are always trying to sell their products or services to the customers. Such emails repel their readers as they sound more scripted and repetitive. Your newsletter subscribers don’t want to hear about your services and products all the time. A maximum number of times your audience want to be educated about the services or products and this would give you bunch of loyal readers and customers.

    To illustrate, let’s say Ms. Reader has a thing for makeup and also has a preference in the brand. In love with her brand, she willingly subscribes to the newsletter service and bombarded with buying this or buy that emails constantly. This eventually made her scream whenever the newsletter popped up in her inbox. If they would have sent an informational stuff like ‘how to do’ makeup techniques or ‘get a perfect look of Ariana Grande’ kind of information, she would have loved opening the newsletters every day and even buy from them. (*based on a real story)

    You don’t want your company to become a self-proclaimed business guru who is always promoting the services and the products. Your audience demands a relevant, informative and consistent piece of content. If ever you genuinely have an exciting news about your services or products, then you should involve it in your newsletters.

     Be More Informative than Promotional

  • Show Your Creativity While Writing a Subject

    Increasing just the number of subscribers won’t solve the purpose of the digital marketing services, you won’t win until your audience open the emails in their inbox. But how? A catchy subject line makes them curious just like a message in a bottle (Here, the bottle is the subject).

    Many marketers follow the strategy where they long to keep the similar subject line in all their email newsletters sent to their subscribers as per the calendar. But let’s get real, the same line every day would irritate your customer and they might start ignoring your emails. You need to write such a subject line which would allure your customers to the click button. In simple words, an interesting, creative and catchy title would tempt your readers to open that email.

  • Primary Call-to-action (CTA)

    All-time favorite newsletter marketing strategy is that you should involve multiple CTA’s in your newsletter to enhance your marketing game. But this shouldn’t mean that every CTA is sharing the equal distinctiveness in the newsletter. In fact, there should be one primary CTA which clearly defines one thing you want your subscribers to do, whereas the other secondary CTAs should be involved to increase the chances of conversions.

    One easy key while creating CTAs is ‘keep it simple’ for your customers to understand. For instance, you want your customers to buy the ticket of the concert, then write “Buy Ticket Here” or if you want your customers to ask the questions, then write “Ask Queries”. You have got the point, we believe. Just keep it simple.

    Easily Subscribe or Unsubscribe

  • Easily Subscribe or Unsubscribe

    It might sound weird to you, but this way you can maintain a healthy active relationship with your subscribers. You shouldn’t trap subscribers into your newsletters, there should be a simple way out as well. Don’t use complicated words like “End Your Communication with The Company” or don’t hide the unsubscribe button somewhere hideously.

    A simple unsubscribe process would confirm that it won’t be marked into a spam folder and reaches your list in a most efficient way.


In conclusion, we have outlined multiple important newsletter marketing strategies which would attract your subscriber to your email newsletters than just ignoring or deleting them.

BluEnt is a digital advertising company located in New York City. We have a strong team of millennial digital marketers who would enhance your marketing strategies to achieve the best industry results. If you would like to know more about us, please click here.

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Your Citation

CAD Evangelist. "Top Newsletter Marketing Strategies That Will Get People to Open Your Emails" CAD Evangelist, Aug. 22, 2018,

CAD Evangelist. (2018, August 22). Top Newsletter Marketing Strategies That Will Get People to Open Your Emails. Retrieved from

CAD Evangelist. "Top Newsletter Marketing Strategies That Will Get People to Open Your Emails" CAD Evangelist (accessed August 22, 2018 ).

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