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About OnBoarding

Alsbridge is ranked #1 Outsourcing Advisor in the world by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) based on the value delivered to its clients.

It is an award-winning sourcing advisory and benchmarking firm offering advice and assistance on sourcing and benchmark initiatives to Fortune companies.

Business Needs

Over the last few years, Alsbridge has seen unprecedented growth and has been setting up offices in various countries.

With the growing number of employees globally, they wanted to manage the On-boarding and Off-boarding process from a central management tool and approached BluEnt for an efficient and user-friendly employee management system (on-boarding and off-boarding).

Objectives of the Tool – Alsbridge wanted to provide a centralized platform to all departments to follow the processes of on-boarding and off-boarding in a systematic manner.

  • Track status of the process for each department.

  • To view information regarding belongings, equipments, privileges, etc. given to employees from a single platform.

  • Addressing new hire needs and linking new hires with respective team members and departments.

  • Reduce time to process HR paperwork (e.g., manual entry of new hire information and details).

  • Generate a final report filled with information from respective departments for on-boarding and off-boarding.

  • Drive operational efficiencies.

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Project Requirements

We designed few templates and parallelly worked on database structure designing and development.

We released a test version of On-Boarding tool for client review. We divided the project requirements into four (4) major modules

  • User Module

  • On-boarding module

  • Reporting module

  • Off-boarding module

  • User Module – In User Module, there are 3 types of users – Admin, HR and Department Head.

    • Admin and HR will have the administrative privileges – create/edit/delete anything.

    • The department head has limited access to the tool. He can view basic information updated by HR and edit information related to his department. He cannot view other departmental activities.

  • On-boarding Module – The on-boarding module works as follows:

    • The employee information would be filled up either by HR or the employee. The HR would send an email to employee asking him to fill up the detailed information.

      After employee completes the details and submits the form, he would not be able to edit/modify the content later on.

    • When HR enters the details and submits, a notification email goes to every department (IT, Sales & Marketing, Administrative, Security, Meeting, Payroll and Performance) to complete their respective processes.

    • Every time the department updates information, an email notification goes back to the HR/Admin.

  • Reporting Module – This system has two reports, on-boarding and off-boarding.

    On-boarding report shows the employees’ details and all departments’ steps followed during the on-boarding process.

    Off-boarding report shows the employees’ details and all departments’ steps followed during the off-boarding.

    On-boarding reports were generated in a standard and branded PDF format.

  • Off-boarding Module – Off-boarding process functioned like the On-boarding Module.

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The BluEnt Method
  • BluEnt responded quickly and developed a tool On-Boarding for making on-boarding and off-boarding process smooth.

  • This tool incorporated all the processes of different departments with notification feature which helped in evaluating individuals or department impacts.

  • The On-Boarding tool included a user-friendly interface for taking inputs and using the data to generate reports.

  • It also provided integrated sections for various administrative users to manage and monitor activities of other participants.

  • Alsbridge provided us the details of every section in excel for database design.

  • There were 10 sections in on-boarding process like Employee Details, Classification, IT, Sales & Mktg, Administrative, Security, Meeting, Payroll, Performance and Final HR Process.

  • Off-boarding process had 6 sections – Employee Info, HR, Admin, Sales & Mktg, IT and Final HR Process.

Want to share your business ideas? Write to us


  • SP.NET

  • C#

  • .NET

  • MS SQL Server

Maximum Value. Achieved.

BluEnt believes in exceptional, timely services for all our clients. We leave no stone unturned for them.

The client was happy with the project delivery and the approach we followed. It was delivered to him as per his expectations.

BluEnt is proud of its association with Alsbridge and to be a part of their success. This partnership has lasted years and continues to do so.

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