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Redwood Finance

About Redwood Finance

Redwood Finance is an investment dealer company situated in Mauritius and controlled by the Financial Services Commission.

The firm is known for its experience in supporting investors in navigating today’s market environment. It has the following focus areas: a) domestic and global markets, b) asset and wealth management, and c) corporate finance & advisory.


Redwood finance was planning to launch its website in the investment market. They were willing to establish a healthy business relationship with BluEnt, if we met the standards of meeting the quality deliverables, excellent performance, and reliable services.

Project Requirements

The driving force behind this web project was to enhance the client’s marketplace personality and performance.

In addition to following the standard design and development process, we were inclined to deliver a functional website with unique features.

From design to launch, we double-checked every detail required to build this website.

We were provided with the required information throughout the project and our teamwork with Redwood Finance was seamless.

This project specifically required the below-mentioned workings:

  • Research on the Sitemap

  • Wireframing

  • Mockups

  • Design layouts

  • Content Edits

  • WordPress Setup

  • Design Integration in WordPress

  • Project Testing

  • User Acceptance Testing

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The BluEnt Approach

BluEnt’s detailed website design and development approach sped up the work and helped the client understand our role in the project. Let’s elaborate our approach in the following steps:

  • Assembling information – Gathering information was simple, because the client was proactive in clearing our doubts almost. This helped in achieving speedy results with defined website goals. While designing the layouts, we were provided with sample layouts and website references along with the content.

  • Planning – Every step was mapped to create smooth results. This is where all the collated data helped us in creating the final site map, which further helped in strategizing the upcoming steps. Addition to this, the detailed requirement analysis, determining resources and software, and gaining access to servers were laid out.

  • Design – Based on the previously synchronized information, our team of designers and developers edited the sitemap and website wireframe to accomplish the goals.

  • Design – A visual representation stage began with the help of wire framing and mockups, and later, created by adding the final design elements. The design stage also involved a series of follow-ups, reviews, and approvals. Once the layouts had reached satisfactory standards as per the client, it was coding time. Post that, our developer team started to write the HTML and CSS codes for the final design.

  • Developing & Testing – The development stage involved programming and loading the content on the website. Our team believes in a strategic approach at this stage to avoid any future hassles by frequently conducting testing as we go.We began by installing and setting up the WordPress CMS followed by developing and testing special interactive features. Then, we started carefully loading the content provided by the client, since even a small error could take away the authenticity of the work. This web project demanded on-point typography with attention to detail. Finally, our team of developers conducted a thorough review and testing of every page and feature of the website. The website went through user acceptance testing, such as functionality in multiple browsers, broken link checkers, spell checkers, code validators, etc.

  • Launch – At this stage, we prepared the website for a live audience. This involved the polishing of design elements, and testing of features, interactivity, and user experience.

Let’s talk about your business idea!


  • Photoshop

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • WordPress

  • PHP: 5.6.39

  • MySQL


There was the limitation of designing web pages based on the content provided by the client.

However, after various discussions with the client, it worked in everyone’s favor.

We customized various design elements to accommodate the content needs.

Want to share your business ideas? Write to us

Maximum Value. Achieved.

BluEnt does not simply believe in words, we believe in the results because only the exceptional work turns heads. Build your exclusive website with us today.

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