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StatLink MD

About StatLink MD

InfoCentral is StatLink’s state-of-the-art management software platform. It allows for real-time remote communication, digital document processing and archiving of information at any time.

HIPAA-compliant and 100% insured, the core of Med DataLink is InfoCentral. It is a flexible, customizable and feature-rich database built for any industry.

Project Requirements

The project required the development of a generic web-based custom application for the client to distribute the application to multiple parent clients having their specific application URLs. (Each parent client has its own business partners, services and users.) As a result, a final application should provide secure data transfer and storage with encryption/decryption of each uploaded file.

BluEnt stepped in to provide application development services, as mentioned below:

  • Domain Specific URL – Application should provide the Domain Specific URL to each parent client.

  • Custom and User-friendly Admin Panel – Admin panel of the application should be managed by the clients rather than relying on Med DataLink’s internal team.

  • Data Migration Plan – Development of a migration plan to move existing customers and their data to the new application.

  • Payment Gateway Integration – Secure and easy-to-use payment gateway integration.

  • Cloud Server – The application should run on the cloud server.

  • Quality Assurance Plan – Development of a sound Quality Assurance plan to test software defects thoroughly.

  • Target Audience – Parent client business application can belong to any organization – it can be a medical corporation, sports organization, educational institutes or any other industry.

  • Application Developer Guide – Documentation of the code and platform used for enterprise application development.

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The BluEnt Approach

As a part of web application development mandate, BluEnt provided the following modules:

  • Parent Client Management – StatLink has an administrative panel to create the parent client with its company information along with its logo that shows in each parent company’s header page. All parent companies have their own URL created at the time of the parent company creation with a unique company prefix.

  • Users Management – This is one of the most important aspects of any information portal. Multiple layers of security were incorporated, and strict roles were defined. There are different levels of users based on their permission to access the various sections of the application. Users are administrators, technicians and support staff. The user can decide and customize what information he/she wants to display in his/her layout. The administrator has privileges to change and define the level of permission to different sections of the application for other users.

  • Records Management – Each company client has its own customer and appointment related information and every record has different types of the dynamically generated data element. Users can dynamically create a text box, text area, checkbox, radio button, dropdown and store the records in the system.

  • Notifications Management – Whenever a new customer’s appointment record is created or existing customer’s information is updated, then a notification is triggered to the users based on their notification permission. These notifications are sent via email with the user’s home page screen. Users can enable/disable the notification sent to them based on different actions performed in the application.

  • Business Partner Management – The client has multiple dynamically generated business partners (company’s clients). Each business partner has his own company information, his users along with the current, past and future contracts.

  • Contract Management – Each contract of a business partner has additional fees like data storage fee, last payment overdue fee, etc. Every service has its own defined fee. Every contract has a start and an end date along with its trial period. We divided the contract into two parts:

    • StatLink to Parent Company contract

    • Parent Company to its Business Partner contract

  • Places of Service Management – Each user record has a place of service with name, address, and other information. Each business partner can create/edit his own place of service. Each place of service has multiple associations of users.

  • Financial Data Management – It includes the invoicing to the business partner. It has two types of invoices:

    • Ability to create an invoice for each business partner by selecting the records of that business partner.

    • Ability to generate automatic invoices for each business partner at a specified date in a month.

    • A client can define the different dates for each business partner to create an automatic invoice.

  • Adjustment on Invoices – Client can apply the adjustment to any invoice. Adjustment can be made on the already generated invoice or it can be applied in the future generated invoice.

  • Payment on Invoice – Payments on invoices are done through the credit card via the authorized .net payment gateway. If a user pays the extra amount with an invoice, an auto adjustment is created for the balance amount that is deducted from the future invoice of that business partner. We also have divided the invoice into two parts:

    • StatLink to Parent Company invoice

    • Parent company to its Business Partner’s invoice

  • Invoice due Notification – If the invoice is not paid within the due date (30, 60 or defined days), an email notification is sent to the owner.

  • File Manage on Server through Rackspace – Client can directly upload/download through the Rackspace API instead of moving the file to the server and then to Rackspace.

  • Data Element Management – Client can create dynamic data elements like text box, text area, radio button, file data element, date type element and form data element. Form data element further has different types of its own data elements like text boxes, text area, radio button and inherited data element. We have different sets of permission on the data element i.e. access of data elements via different role users.

  • API Management – We have provided functionality to create customer records, users, services, view any data etc. directly through the APIs.

Let’s talk about your business idea!


  • PHP

  • MySql

  • Linux

  • Apache

  • CakePHP

  • MPDF for PDF creation

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