
Sugar CRM Plug-In

About Sugar CRM Plug-In

BluEnt is an 11-year-old company that specializes in providing resources for software application, web product development, CMS solutions, ecommerce, mobility, branding, big data management and analytics. They provide IT outsourcing and consulting services that include full software development life-cycle services—from planning, development, and implementation through operations and maintenance while also meeting the demanding service level requirements of the clients. BluEnt manages and maintains all technology needs for them.

Business Needs

BluEnt is growing exponentially, expanding their global footprints, and setting up offices in various countries. With the growing number of offices and clients globally, they needed an Outlook tool to move clients or prospective clients’ emails from Outlook to SugarCRM database directly. Since the process of entering email details in SugarCRM is lengthy and time consuming, they were already using a plug-in. That plug-in was very slow and inefficient and sometimes showed bugs. They wanted a new plug-in with the same features that worked efficiently and without any bug.

The Main Objectives of the Tool

It helps to save all your contacts’ email messages in SugarCRM. It provides a search feature. Using it user can search any data in Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities and Targets (Ref: SugarCRM-Archive email 2) and archive email in one or more searched details. This makes your task easy. For example, if a contact sends email or documents to you, just forward them to your Sugar Email Archiving address for automatic linking and archiving without opening the SugarCRM website.


  • Import emails easily into Sugar

  • Use any email client or service

  • Search or view emails in Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities or Targets modules

  • Avoid losing key emails or attachments

  • Reduce time that saving email manually takes

  • Drive operational efficiencies

Project Highlights

  • We used SugarCRM API to develop the plug-in.

  • Due to using API there is no issue of data integrity.

  • LDAP authentication and normal authentication (without LDAP) features were incorporated.

  • A great feature for assigning any email to any user during archive was implemented.

  • There is a setting page available in which user can setup authentication settings. For example, user name, password and LDAP key (if LDAP authentication enabled) and in the same page user can setup email archiving settings also.


  • The client was happy with the project delivery and the approach we followed. The project was delivered to them as per their expectations.

  • The client was also pleased with increased productivity and efficiency.


  • C#.NET

  • Windows Forms

  • API

Maximum Value. Achieved.

BluEnt believes in exceptional, timely services for all our clients. We leave no stone unturned for them.

The client was happy with the project delivery and the approach we followed.
The project was delivered to him as per his expectations.
Client was happy with increased productivity and efficiency.

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